Happy to have my blogging interrupted by time suckers!

When I started my blog I had great dreams of writing all these profound and interesting articles. Of building a massive group of followers and doling out Disney vacation planning advice and passing on life lessons I’ve learned.  Instead I have learned yet another life lesson. Blogging is hard work and it doesn’t happen easily for me.

I have countless articles I started writing when the idea struck me but couldn’t seem to come up with the right words to express myself or more often life interrupted me, causing me to lose my creative genius for the article.

Victoria and Justice at Halloween

My life


My loves

Like many of the mothers I hoped would follow my blog, my kids are my life and my priority and that priority is extremely time-consuming.  Whether it’s volunteering my “free” time with my kids or for my kids; driving them to work, school and sports activities or from them; or just spending time with my kids, they are unquestionably gigantic time suckers.

2013 Run or Dye

My occasional running partner

With my “free” time sucked up, blogging fell to the back burner and as much as I admittedly get jealous of all those bloggers I see being invited to amazingly informative and fun blogger events, I know that I am no where even close to being in their league. I haven’t earned the right to be invited to those events because I haven’t put the time and effort into my blog that they have and do you know what? I’m okay with that.  My time is spent on my kids, providing for them, taking classes to better myself to earn more to spend on them or just by being with them. I’m not saying other bloggers don’t do this as well, it’s just that I haven’t yet found a way to do it all and blog too.


My happiness


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